From when she was four years old, the author wanted to be 'a nurse like Aunty Mavis.' Her Aunty Mavis told her amazing and funny stories of nursing adventures and travels on great ocean liners to see wonderful places, different cultures, and artworks throughout the world. 'A Nurse Like Aunty Mavis' is the life stories of Denise, and her Aunty Mavis and how their bond, love for nursing, and adventure, inspired Denise throughout her life.
A Nurse Like Aunty Mavis
Born in a small country hospital in the grain-belt farming area of South Australia, Denise Petersen struggled in her education. Still, nothing would stop her from emulating her much-loved aunt's nursing career and adventurous travels.
As a midwife and registered nurse, Denise cared for people in far-off countries, found romance in Papua New Guinea, and sailed yachts on vast oceans. She eventually settled in Cairns in tropical North Queensland, Australia, with her husband and two children. At Cairns Hospital she further enhanced her nursing career of over fifty years and discovered her passion for caring for children with cancer and their families.